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AzFS is to provide convenient Python read/write functions for Azure Storage Account.

AzFS can

  • list files in blob (also filtered with wildcard *),
  • check if file exists,
  • read csv as pd.DataFrame, and json as dict from blob,
  • write pd.DataFrame as csv, and dict as json to blob,
  • and raise lots of exceptions ! (Thank you for your cooperation)


AzFS can be installed from pip.

pip install azfs



Supported authentication types are

types of storage

The table below shows the compatibility read/access of AzFS.

account kind Blob Data Lake Queue File Table
StorageV2 O O O X O
StorageV1 O O O X O
BlobStorage O        

API Usage

create the client

To manipulate files in Azure Blob Storage, firstly you need to create AzFileClient.

Credential is not required if AzFileClient() is created on AAD (Azure Active Directory).

import azfs
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential

# credential is not required if your environment is on AAD
azc = azfs.AzFileClient()
# credential is required if your environment is not on AAD
credential = "[your storage account credential]"
# or
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
azc = azfs.AzFileClient(credential=credential)

# connection_string is also supported
connection_string = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=xxxx;AccountKey=xxxx;"
azc = azfs.AzFileClient(connection_string=connection_string)

download data

AzFS provides function to download csv or json data from Azure Blob Storage. API reference is get/download.

import azfs
import pandas as pd

azc = azfs.AzFileClient()
# if your data in BlobStorage
csv_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.csv"
json_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.json"
data_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.another_format"
# if your data in DataLakeStorage
csv_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.csv"
json_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.json"
data_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.another_format"

# read csv as pd.DataFrame
df = azc.read_csv(csv_path, index_col=0)
# or
with azc:
    df = pd.read_csv_az(csv_path, header=None)

# read json
data = azc.read_json(json_path)

# also get data directory
data = azc.get(data_path)
# or, (`download` is an alias for `get`)
data =

upload data

AzFS also provides functions to upload csv or json data to Azure Blob Storage. API reference is put/upload.

import azfs
import pandas as pd

azc = azfs.AzFileClient()
# if your data in BlobStorage
csv_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.csv"
json_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***.json"
data_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/***..another_format"

df = pd.DataFrame()
data = {"example": "data"}

# write csv
azc.write_csv(path=csv_path, df=df)
# or
with azc:
    df.to_csv_az(path=csv_path, index=False)

# read json as dict
azc.write_json(path=json_path, data=data, indent=4)

# also put data directory
import json
azc.put(path=json_path, data=json.dumps(data, indent=4))
# or, (`upload` is an alias for `put`)
azc.upload(path=json_path, data=json.dumps(data, indent=4))

enumerating(ls, glob) or checking if file exists

ls() lists all files in specified folder, and glob() lists pattern-matched files in all folder. API reference is enumerating.

import azfs

azc = azfs.AzFileClient()

# get file_name list of blob
file_name_list ="https://{storage_account}{container}")
# or if set `attach_prefix` True, get full_path list of blob
file_full_path_list ="https://{storage_account}{container}", attach_prefix=True)

# find specific file with `*`
file_full_path_list = azc.glob("https://{storage_account}{container}/some_folder/*.csv")
# also search deeper directory
file_full_path_list = azc.glob("https://{storage_account}{container}/some_folder/*/*.csv")
# or if the directory starts with `a`
file_full_path_list = azc.glob("https://{storage_account}{container}/some_folder/a*/*.csv")

# check if file exists
is_exists = azc.exists("https://{storage_account}{container}/some_folder/test.csv")

remove, copy files, etc…

AzFS also provides remove and copy functions. API reference is manipulating.

import azfs

azc = azfs.AzFileClient()

# copy file from `src_path` to `dst_path`
src_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/src_folder/*.csv"
dst_path = "https://{storage_account}{container}/dst_folder/*.csv"
is_copied = azc.cp(src_path=src_path, dst_path=dst_path, overwrite=True)

# remove the file
is_removed = azc.rm(path=src_path)

# get file meta info
data =

manipulate QueueStorage

AzFS can also manipulate QueueStorage.

import azfs
queue_url = "https://{storage_account}{queue_name}"

azc = azfs.AzFileClient()
queue_message = azc.get(queue_url)
# message will not be deleted if `delete=False`
# queue_message = azc.get(queue_url, delete=False)

# get message content
queue_content = queue_message.get('content')

manipulate TableStorage

AzFS can now manipulate TableStorage.

API reference is table storage.

import azfs
cons = {
    "account_name": "{storage_account_name}",
    "account_key": "{credential}",
    "database_name": "{database_name}"

table_client = azfs.TableStorageWrapper(**cons)

# put data, according to the keyword you put
table_client.put(id_="1", message="hello_world")

# get data

Indices and tables